
Kickstart Blog

Articles about Web Development & SaaS growth

Web analytics with Ackee on Vercel

Bootstrapping SaaS business from Zero to Profitable is hard. You have to pay for every single must-have service like web analytics before earning a buck.

Tim Cheung

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Cover Image for Local Development with Docker Compose

Local Development with Docker Compose

As the JS developer, your machine may already have many dev tools like nodejs, nvm, PostgreSQL, and so on.

Tim Cheung
Cover Image for Get the best Next.js boilerplate at the lowest price ever!

Get the best Next.js boilerplate at the lowest price ever!

Today, we offer a 90% discount for the best Next.js boilerplate at the lowest price ever.

Tim Cheung
Cover Image for Next.js 9.5 - Stable Incremental Static Regeneration

Next.js 9.5 - Stable Incremental Static Regeneration

One of the benefits of State Site Generation is that we can keep our site static generated at build time and put all site files distributed to global edge CDN. The result is a fast, reliable, and safe browsing experience.

Tim Cheung